The manager of the month awards this year, are again automatic. Whoever gains the most points in a calendar month wins the Manager of the Month award. If there is a tie, then goal difference counts, followed by goals scored then number of wins then whoever I like most.

Prestige, is the only reward for MOM this season.

Month WhoWhy
September Stephen Iolanthe MillerHe likes driving in his car.
October Paul Arfur OxleyCos he got a little bit nerfous
November Titty TaylorI'm bored with this already. 100% record. There.
December John BrownCos he got the most points, didn't he. (18/18)
January Simon Desmond Webb15 pints. I mean, points.
February Simon Dietmar WebbCheated again I'd say
March Shane Whitaker12/12
April Steve MillerAlways the Runner-Up (and 15/15 in April)
SeasonSteve MillerHighest League position with most MOM's, Europe winner, FF Cup Runner-Up, Cartel Cup Runner-Up

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